So, my sister's birthday was on election day. And no excuses, but I was a little busy. I'm working on a found fotage project and I came across my sister's first day of school. It's super cute.
so. Happy Bday Ruth!!! better late than never, right?
So, this was my first presidental election (the second election I've ever voted in) and I was beyond excited. For school, I went and photographed the polls in my suburb!
A question of if the surburbs incases the American Dream or if it's been skewed somewhere along the way. So, when I photographed the "Parade of Gold" today, I sort of cut off alot of heads. It's a bad habit. I love cutting off peoples head. It adds a sort of anonymity to the subjects. Like a fill-in-the-blank. The feeling that It could be me or someone I know.
We went to this doughnut place called Krumpe Do-nut. They ship there doughtnuts out, but if you go while they're baking (from about 8pm-2am) you can buy them right off the rack. They're amazing.
Becca Fox is a lover of art, maker of things. She makes photography, video and other assorted things. She graduated from the Corcoran College of Art and Design in 2010. She finds documentation important.